Sunday Stuff - Edition #28

Sunday Stuff - Edition #28


3 min read

This Supreme Court Case Could Destroy the Internet. Really.

๐Ÿ“น A 23-minute YouTube Video by LegalEagle

Section 230 is a law that helps protect social networks like YouTube and Facebook from getting in legal trouble for the content their users post. Some think this law is good because it helps keep the internet free and open for everyone. However, others argue that it allows these nefarious users to get away with bad things. There are debates on whether to change this law or keep it as it is. If websites are held responsible for what users post, it could lead to more censorship and less freedom of speech. Watch this video to learn about the supreme court case that could change the internet forever.

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How YouTubers Are Escaping Russian Censorship

๐Ÿ“น A 36-minute YouTube video by Johnny Harris

Lately, Russia has gone full force into its censorship efforts, especially for content around the war in Ukraine. Some YouTubers are finding ways to escape Russian censorship and continue sharing their content with their audiences. All Russian citizens making videos online must include a long message saying they are foreign. Watch this video to learn all about how YouTubers are escaping Russian censorship.

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Marketing: How Brands Are Getting Your Brain to Buy More Stuff

๐Ÿ“น A 12-minute YouTube video by DW Planet A

Marketing is powerful. Brands use various techniques to grab your attention and persuade you to purchase their product. Some marketing tactics, like targeted advertising and social media campaigns, can be effective and ethical. However, they also use manipulative tactics, like hidden messages and false advertising, that are concerning and unethical. Brands that prioritize transparency and honesty will ultimately be the most successful. Watch this video to learn about how brands are tricking you into buying more of their products.

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Why We Need to Ditch Natural Gas (ASAP)

๐Ÿ“น A 12-minute YouTube video by DW Planet A

Despite being considered a cleaner alternative to coal and oil, natural gas emits methane, which is even more damaging to the environment than CO2. Fracking, the process of extracting natural gas, also causes water contamination and harmful seismic activity. Natural gas is a decent intermediate between coal and renewable energy (for example, wind and solar), but not be the final solution to the climate crisis. Watch this video to learn about the harms of natural gas.

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Why Traffic Scientists Want You to Cut People Off

๐Ÿ“น A 6-minute YouTube video by Half as Interesting

As counterintuitive as it may sound, traffic scientists urge drivers to cut people off on the road to reduce traffic congestion and improve overall traffic flow. According to a recent study by the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, cutting off other drivers can help alleviate traffic jams. The study found that drivers who merge aggressively and take advantage of gaps in traffic can help to create a more even distribution of cars on the road, ultimately leading to less congestion. Watch this video to learn why, in some cases, you should cut people off while driving.

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