My Favorite Business and Entrepreneurship Podcast – The Crazy Ones
A business and entrepreneurship podcast by Morning Brew
The Crazy Ones is my favorite business and entrepreneurship podcast. From airlines to 1-800-GOT-JUNK, they cover every part of business in a fun and engaging way. Listen to this podcast to keep up with the latest business strategies.
How to Become Luckier - an Evidence-Based Guide
A 12-minute YouTube video by Ali Abdaal
Have you ever wanted to know what makes certain people seem to have much more luck than others? The book "The Luck Factor" explains it amazingly. The book talks about ways to become luckier with strategies like luck journaling. Watch this video for an overview of the book, "The Luck Factor."
The NFL's Logistics Problem
A 14-minute YouTube video by Wendover Productions
The NFL has a serious logistics problem. Football teams are massive, and flying them, often across the country, can cost millions. Watch this video to learn about the logistics of the NFL and how they could fix them.
The Case to Rename This Famous Christmas Plant
A 7-minute YouTube video by Vox
The poinsettia has long been known as the "Christmas flower," but its origins are not widely known. It is a flower native to Mexico, yet it is exploited. Watch this video to learn the history of the famous poinsettia, known in Mexico as the cuetlaxochitl (kwet-la-sho-she).
Why I Don’t Care About Your Flight Emissions
A 23-minute YouTube video by Our Changing Climate
There is a common misconception that people are the cause of climate change. This is not true. The true cause of human climate change is major industries like oil and agriculture. Watch this video for a great explanation of the real cause of global warming and climate change.